
Showing posts from March, 2021

Chapter Nine: Bounce

  Chapter Nine: Bounce             “ Hi, you’ve reached Clary. Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now, but please leave your name and number, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. ”             It was the sixth call in a row that sent Jace to voicemail. He grew more and more frustrated with every attempt that went unfulfilled. “C’mon, Clary!” he groaned. “Where are you?”             “Who’s Clary?” Scrooge asked him. “And why’re you callin’ her when I specifically asked for Natalie Venkman?!”             Jace hated to displease Scrooge McDuck, especially over something as trivial (and mundane ) as a Ghostbuster. “My apologies, sir. But I figured that since Clary is with the Ghostbusters right now, I could have her reach Natalie Venkman for you.”             “A lot of good that did,” Scrooge belittled. “Not even she’s answerin’ her phone!”             Meanwhile, Lisa hung up her phone after finishing a call. “I was only able to get Christina,” she informed. “She sa